Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sweet Sour of 2010

Everyone is saying that Form 2's life is the most happiest moment and really really have to enjoy. And seriously I can't deny the fact. The truth is, Form 2 is really really the most happening, wonderful, memorable, happiest, and and.. HAHA. In this year I learn many things. Friendship.Being matured(matured lah sngat).How to enjoy.And so many things..

Okayyy. I would start with first day of 2010. Masa nih tak berapa matured lagi. HAHA. First day dah sedihh. Sebab kena tukar-tukar kelas. Suckss gilaa masa tuu. Luckily, aku tak kena pindah.

Then, dengaq cita plak Puan Khoo, the best Mathematics teacher, nak ajar kelas lain. My classmates including me p merayu-rayu lagi suruh Puan Khoo ajaq kami balik. Sedihh gilaa kott masa tu. Pastu terpaksa laa terima Cikgu Zanura ajaq kelas kami. First day dia masuk tuu, kinda ketaqqq gak arr sebab dah mrah-mrah dahh. Lepas-lepas tuu baru laa dia ok balik. N she really really sporting and everyone seems to like her. And seriously she really really beautiful.

After that, kami plak dapat cikgu praktikal untuk Maths. Err. Kinda nak marah gak arr sebab selalu tukaq tukaq nihh. First time dia masuk tuhh, kami semua tadak semangat langsung nak belajaq. Lepas kelas dia tuh, teruih p kelas sbelah, salin nota Puan Khoo. Dulu ja laa buat mcam tuu. Lepas lepas tuu, she seems to be okay with us. And she really kind with us. Bila dia nak blah dah drpada skolah tuu, seriously sedihh gila gila. Bila dia buat kelas tambhan, kami siap plan lagi nak buat something like party perpisahan. And kami pon ada bagi T-Shirt kelas. Huhu :(( To Cikgu Ezuana, if you read this, 2A5 miss you a lot, teacher!

2010 also teaches me a lot about being friends. NONAME. How can I forget them. They've lighted my whole day life in that school. But, our friendship wouldn't last longer and we've some crisis. Though the NONAME is no longer a group, our frienship still go on. Maybe our friendship will be go on if we still singing Hands Of Friendship (lagu boring) on the stage at Dewan Seri Negeri in Alor Star. HAHA. I can't deny that they're the best friend in my life.

The classmates. Since I've my own group, classmates pon tak rapat sngat. Lepas crisis tuu, terus rapat. And now I love my classmates. The boys began to be more sporting like Aiman, Danial, Ikhwan, KZZ, TRS and OEQ. And the girls also being like that. Party class tahun ni memang yang paling bestt wpun tak ramai yang mai. Buat dekat Carnival. Serious best!

Move on about love, thank you Cik A for everything. I've chatting with him in Yahoo Messenger about a year *I guess. And I start to fall in love with him. 6 February 2010, we officially couple :))) After that, we had some problems. Luckily we managed to get rid of it until today. Love you Cik A!

The last part is about Girl Guide. Now, aku dah jadi Pengerusi Pandu Puteri. And totally freak me out. Kena jadi leader tahun depan. And insyallah*buat buat baik* I'll give my best until the end of 2011 :)

p/s : 2011.PMR CANDIDATES!

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